Article L221-18 of the Consumer Code: The consumer has a period of fourteen days to exercise their right of withdrawal from a contract concluded remotely, following telephone canvassing or outside establishment, without having to justify its decision or to support other costs that those planned to items L. 221-23 to L. 221-25.

THE deadline mentioned At first indentation short has count of day :

Of the conclusion of the contract, for contracts of service of services And those mentioned in the article L. 221-4;

Of there reception of GOOD by THE consumer Or A third party, other that THE carrier, designated by him, For THE contracts of sale of goods. For THE contracts concluded outside establishment, the consumer can exercise his right withdrawal from of the conclusion of the contract.

In the case of an order for several goods delivered separately Or In THE case of a order of a GOOD compound of batches Or of pieces multiple of which there delivery East staggered on a period defined, THE deadline short has count of there reception of last GOOD Or batch Or of there last piece. For contracts providing for regular delivery of goods over a period of period defined, THE deadline short has count of there reception of first GOOD.

Article L221-19 of Consumer Code: In accordance with the regulations No. 1182/71/EEC of the Council of June 3, 1971 determining the rules applicable to time limit, to dates And to terms :

THE day Or THE CONTRACT East concluded Or THE day of there reception of GOOD is not not account In the deadline mentioned has article L. 221-18 ;

THE deadline begin has run At beginning of there first hour of first day and ends on the expiry of the last hour of the last day of the period; If This deadline expired A SATURDAY, A Sunday Or A day holiday Or unemployed, he East extended until the first day openable following.

Article L221-20 of the Consumer Code: When the information relative At right of retraction don't have not summer provided At consumer In THE terms planned At of the article L. 221-5, THE deadline of retraction is extended by twelve months from of the expiration of the withdrawal period initial, determined in accordance in article L. 221-18.

However, when the provision of this information occurs during this extension, THE deadline of retraction expired At term of a period of fourteen days has count of day where the consumer has received these informations.

Article L221-21 of Coded of there consumption : THE consumer exercises his right of withdrawal by informing the professional of his decision to withdraw by sending it, before the expiry of the period provided for in article L. 221-18, of the withdrawal form mentioned in 2° of article L. 221-5 or of any other declaration, unambiguous, expressing its desire to retract.

The professional may also allow the consumer to fill and to transmit online, on its website, the form or declaration provided for in the first paragraph. In this hypothesis, the professional communicates, without delay, to the consumer an acknowledgment of receipt of the withdrawal on A support sustainable.

Article L221-22 of Coded of there consumption : There charge of there evidence of exercise of right of retraction In THE terms planned has the article

L. 221-21 weighs on THE consumer.

Article L221-23 of the Consumer Code: The consumer returns or restores THE goods At professional Or has a person designated by This last, without undue delay and, at the latest, within fourteen days following the com- communication of its decision to withdraw in accordance with article L. 221-21, unless the professional offers to collect these goods himself. THE consumer born supports that THE costs direct of referral of the goods, except if THE professional accepted of THE take has her charge Or if he has omitted to inform THE consumer that these costs are has her charge. Nevertheless, for contracts concluded off-premises, when the goods are delivered At residence of consumer At moment of there conclusion of CONTRACT, THE professional recover THE goods has his costs if they born can not be returned Normally by way postal in reason of their nature.

The consumer's liability can only be engaged in the event of depreciation of assets resulting from manipulations other than those necessary necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and proper functioning of these goods, below reserve that THE professional have informed THE consumer of her right of withdrawal, in accordance At of the article L. 221-5.

Article L221-24 of Coded of there consumption : When THE right of retraction East exercised, THE professional reimburse THE consumer of there totality of the are paid, y Understood THE costs of delivery, without delay unjustified And At more late In THE fourteen days has count of there date has which he East informed of there decision of consumer of se retract.

For contracts for the sale of goods, unless he offers to recover the goods itself, the professional may defer reimbursement until the goods have been recovered or until the consumer has provided a evidence of shipping of these goods, there date detention being that of first of these facts.

THE professional carried out This refund in using THE even AVERAGE of payment that the one used by THE consumer For there transaction ini- tial, unless the consumer expressly agrees to use another means of payment and to the extent that the reimbursement does not cause not fees for the consumer.

THE professional is not not tenuous of repay THE costs additional if THE consumer has expressly selected A fashion of delivery more expensive that THE fashion of delivery standard propose by THE professional.

Article L221-25 of Consumer Code: If the consumer wishes that execution of a benefit of services Or of a CONTRACT mentioned At first indentation of the article L. 221-4 begin Before there END of deadline of retraction mentioned has the article L. 221-18, THE professional collects her request express by All AVERAGE For THE contracts concluded has distance And on paper or durable media for contracts concluded off-premises. THE consumer Who has exercised her right of retraction of a CONTRACT of benefit of services Or of a CONTRACT mentioned At first indentation of the article L. 221-4, the execution of which has begun, at his request express,

before the end of the withdrawal period pays the professional an amount corresponding At service provided until there communication of her decision of se retract ; This Rising East proportionate At price total of there benefit agreed In THE CONTRACT. If THE price total East excessive, THE Rising appropriate East calculated on there base of there value Merchant of This Who has summer provided.

None sum is not due by THE consumer having exercised her right of withdrawal if his express request has not been collected in application of first indentation Or if THE professional n / A not respected the obligation of information planned at 4° of article L. 221-5.

Article L221-26 of Coded of there consumption : THE consumer Who has exercised her right of retraction of a CONTRACT of supply of content digital not provided on a physical medium is not liable for any sum if: THE professional n / A not collected her agreement prior on purpose For execution of CONTRACT Before there END of deadline of retraction Thus that there evidence of her renunciation to his right of withdrawal;

2° The contract does not include the information provided for in the second paragraph of the items L. 221-9 and L. 221-13.

Article L221-27 of the Consumer Code: The exercise of the right to withdrawal puts an end to the obligation of the parties either to perform the contract distance or the off-premises contract, or to conclude it when the consumer did an offer.

Exercising the right to withdraw from a main distance contract or out establishment automatically terminates any ancillary contract, without costs for the consumer other than those provided for in articles L. 221-23 to L. 221-25.

Article L221-28 of Coded of there consumption : THE right of retraction born can be exercised for the contracts :

Of supply of services fully executed Before there END of deadline of withdrawal and whose execution began after express prior agreement of consumer And renunciation on purpose has her right of retraction ;

2° Supply of goods or services whose price depends on fluctuations on the financial market beyond the control of the professional and likely of se produce during THE deadline of retraction ;

3° Supply of goods made according to the specifications of the consumer or clearly personalized;

4° Supply of goods likely to deteriorate or expire quickly ;

5° Supply of goods which have been unsealed by the consumer after there delivery And Who born can be returned For of the reasons hygiene Or protection of health;

Of supply of goods Who, After to have summer books And of by their nature, are mixed of manner inseparable with others items ;

7° Supply of alcoholic beverages whose delivery is deferred beyond of thirty days And of which there value agreed has there conclusion of CONTRACT depends of fluctuations on THE walk escaping At control of professional ;

8° Maintenance or repair work to be carried out urgently at home of consumer And expressly requested by him, In there limit of the pieces of spare And works strictly required For answer has the emergency ;

Of supply recordings audio Or video Or of software IT when they have summer unsealed by THE consumer After there delivery ;

10° Supply of a newspaper, periodical or magazine, except For the contracts subscription has these publications;

11° Concluded during of a bid public ;

12° Of services of services accommodation, others that accommodation residential, goods transport services, car rentals, of restoration Or of activities of hobbies Who must be provided has a date Or to one fixed period ;

13° Of supply of a content digital No provided on A support material the execution of which has begun after the express prior agreement of the consumer And renunciation on purpose has her right of retraction.

Article L222-5 of Coded of there consumption : In time useful And Before that he is bound by a contract, the consumer receives information of which there list East fixed by decree in Advice of state And wearing on :

1° The identity and contact details of the professional and any person acting For its account ;

2° Information relating to products, instruments and financial services proposed ;

THE right of withdrawal;

4° The contractual conditions, in particular tariffs, and the terms Thus that the place of conclusion of the contract ;

There law applicable At CONTRACT And there jurisdiction competent.

The information communicated by the supplier to the consumer on contractual obligations comply with the law applicable to the contract in case of conclusion of this one.

This information, whose character commercial must appear unequivocal, are provided of manner legible And understandable by All AVERAGE adapted has there technical Communication has distance used.

THE here article East applicable without prejudice of the app of the obligations legislative and regulatory requirements specific to each product, instrument financial or service offered.

The specific terms and conditions applicable in case of telephone communication vocal are fixed by decree in Council of state.

Article L222-6 of Coded of there consumption : THE consumer receives, by writing Or on A other support sustainable has her arrangement And to which he has access in good time and before any commitment, the contractual conditions Thus that THE information mentioned has the article L. 222-5. They are provided At consumer in accordance to provisions legislative And regulatory specific to each product, financial instrument or service offered. THE supplier executes his obligations of communication immediately After there conclusion of CONTRACT, when this one has summer concluded has there request of the consumer using a remote communication technique not allowing there transmission of the pre-contractual information And contractual on A support paper Or on A other support sustainable. In this case and when the contract relates to an operation mentioned in the first indentation of the article L. 312-84, THE supplier is not tenuous of communicate At

consumer that THE alone information contractual.

At any time during the contractual relationship, the consumer has the right, if he so requests, to receive the contractual conditions on paper. Furthermore, the consumer has the right to change the remote communication techniques used, unless this is incompatible with the distance contract concluded or with the nature of financial service provided.


Any order implies unreserved adhesion to these Conditions General Sales Conditions, hereinafter General Conditions of Sale, which will solely govern our sales, the express exclusion of any other document emanating, in particular, from the Customer. Any other condition, provided that it is not contrary to the present, And what includes a consideration real For OUR Company, born will be valid that if She has summer accepted previously, And by writing, by our society. These General Terms and Conditions are applicable only to invoiced customers And delivered to mainland France and Corsica. Our Company reserves the right, in case of breach has moon of the obligations subscribed And After simple finding this, to proceed immediately upon resumption of merchandise.


Any request for withdrawal and cancellation of contract sent by mail must be sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of reception, to costs of Customer Or on All support sustainable, email notably.


The prices of our Products are set by the Price in force on the day of the order, for delivery within the usual deadlines. They get along clearly outside taxes, without discount, and in the standard packaging indicated at the price. They are set based on current economic conditions. OUR Company se reserve THE right of to propose has all his clients, occasionally, through its Representatives, one or more Special Offers Or Promotions, limited in time. Discounts price, possibly granted on the occasion of these Special Offers or Promotions, come add to each other, on Invoice, to Discounts of Price Who can be granted according to THE present Terms General of Sale.


THE COMPANY undertakes to provide maintenance services relating to the equipment covered by the agreement for one year SUBJECT TO SUBSCRIPTION TO THE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT, Otherwise the shift will be Invoice At price of 350 He East expressly foreseen that THE shift East taken in account In there convention At even title that the 1time intervention time. Beyond 1 hour of intervention, the hourly rate applicable East of 60. THE material will be also paid in sus of package paid contractually. THE COMPANY undertakes to perform the service in accordance with the rules of the art. The services entrusted by the CUSTOMER to THE COMPANY (hereinafter: the “Services”) consists of a trip to check the equipment located at the customer's premises and limit damage. However, it is specified that the obligations borne by the company are not are that of the obligations of means And that THE staff put has arrangement within the framework of the execution of this agreement was done at the request express from the CUSTOMER. THE COMPANY takes responsibility for scheduling issues and of staff, for observation labor legislation in general, and National Collective Agreement for Prevention and Security Companies, especially. It recruits, pays and employs the necessary staff, below her alone responsibility, At glance of the charges social And tax.


OUR Company East released of the obligation of deliver In THE deadline agreed by of the facts in out of OUR control such that notably THE strike, stop And accident of the machinery, difficulties supply, failure of our job providers, carrier disruptions, fires, floods, interruption of the supply of energy, raw materials Or of pieces detached, Thus that THE strikes total Or partial of all nature hindering there Good walk of there Company, such that THE strikes of transport, postal services. The occurrence of a force majeure event has For effect of to suspend execution of the obligations contractual of there Company And client.


THE Customer recognize to have knowingly taken attached with there Company And born not to have been canvassed.


When there sale East final, that's to say After exhalation of deadline legal of retraction, the customer undertakes:

In case of payment cash, has pour 30% of Rising of there order At seller ;

The same will apply in the event of financing proposed by the seller, materialized by a preliminary offer of financing for an amount less than 70% of the cost overall order;

Finally, if THE funding propose East materialized by a offer prior of funding East superior has 70% of Rising total of there order, the buyer allowed expressly THE seller has perceive of the establishment lender A deposit from 30% the amount sum of there order.

He East expressly foreseen that this deposit born will carry not interests And that final financing will only be put in place after execution of the work. This deposit will be acquired At seller in case of retraction of the buyer once the sale becomes final. Failure to pay a single bill, or a single invoice, on its due date immediately and fully right, without putting in remains, payable all receivables of OUR Company even not yet expired. Additionally, this will result in application and perception penalties calculated on the minimum basis of three times the interest rate legal in vigor has there date of deadline scope on Invoice.

Any unpaid amount will be increased by a penalty clause equal to 15% excluding tax of the amount claimed.

In all cases, in the event of cancellation of the sale for any reason whether by the Customer outside the legal withdrawal period, the latter will be indebted of payment of a compensation flat rate fixed has THIRTY (30)

% of the total amount including tax of the order in addition to covering costs of case administrative mentioned above.


In accordance to the article L 624-16 paragraph 2 in fine of the Commercial Code and in articles 2367 et seq. of the Civil Code, it is expressly agreed, with the Customer, that the transfer of ownership of our Products is suspended until full payment of the price, the Customer agreeing to submit to the provisions of the Law of 12/5/80.

THE Customer obliges has allow has All moment identification And there claim of the merchandise.


For all materials installed, there duration of OUR guarantee contractual East fixed uniformly has A YEAR After there putting in service, including piece And workforce.

In accordance with article 1641 of the Civil Code, the legal guarantee of defect hidden applies to all of our products.

THE damage, of do of Customer Or of a third party person, provoked At material or during installation due to a connection error, lack of protection, a false maneuver or a lack of care does not enter into our guarantee.

In apps of the provisions of Coded of there consumption, article 217-13 :

All GOOD repaired In THE frame of there guarantee legal of compliance benefits of a extension of this guarantee of six month. Of the during that THE consumer makes the choice of repair but this is not implemented by THE seller, there putting in compliance by THE replacement of GOOD do run, for the benefit of the consumer, a new legal guarantee period of conformity attached to the replaced good. This provision applies from of day Or THE GOOD of replacement East issued At consumer. »


The CLIENT undertakes to provide the COMPANY with all documents and information in its possession and reasonably required by the COMPANY for execution of its services. As part of this duty of cooperation, the CUSTOMER informs THE COMPANY of any constraint of which it is aware and which could have an impact on the performance of the Services of the COMPANY. All CONTRACT maintenance taken in distance, ballast has there request exclusive of CUSTOMER ; This last commits in result has provide a information reliable on THE material object of here CONTRACT maintenance. He East in besides recalled that THE Provider born would know be assimilated has a business of work temporary, her staff remaining below her direction And below her whole responsibility.


Article L217-4 of the Consumer Code: “The seller delivers a good compliant At CONTRACT And answers of the defaults of compliance existing during of there deliverance. He answers also of the defaults of compliance resulting of packaging, instructions of assembly or installation when this has summer putting has her charge by THE CONTRACT Or has summer carried out below her responsibility. »

Article L217-5 of the Consumer Code: “The good complies with the contract: 1° If it is suitable for the use usually expected of a sem- blable And, THE case applicable : if he corresponds has there description data by THE seller and possesses the qualities that the latter presented to the buyer under form of sample or model ; – if it presents the qualities that a buyer can legitimately to wait for had regard to declarations public do by THE seller, by THE producer Or by her representative, notably In there advertisement Or labeling ; Or if he present THE features defined by mutual agreement of the parties or is suitable for any special use research by the buyer, door has there awareness of seller And that This last has accepted. »

Article L. 217-7 of the Consumer Code: “Defects of conformity which appear in a period of twenty-four months from delivery of the property are presumed to exist at the time of delivery, unless proven opposite. For goods sold second-hand, this period is set at six months. The seller can fight this presumption if it is not compatible with there nature of GOOD Or THE default of compliance invoked ".

Article L. 217-9 of the Consumer Code: “In the event of a lack of compliance, the buyer chooses between repair and replacement of the GOOD. However, the seller may not proceed according to buyer's choice if This choice leads A cost obviously disproportionate At glance of the other modality, taking into account the value of the property or the importance of the default. He East SO tenuous of proceed, except impossibility, according to there modality No chosen by the buyer ".

Article L. 217-10 of the Consumer Code: “If the repair and replacement of GOOD are impossible, the buyer can give back THE GOOD And have the price returned or keep the good and have part of the price. The same option is open to him: 1° If the solution requested, proposed or agreed in application of article L. 217-9 cannot be implemented within one month following the buyer's complaint; 2° Or if this solution cannot be without major disadvantage for it taking into account of the nature of the property and the use it seeks. Resolution of the sale born can however be pronounced if THE default of compliance East minor".

Article L217-12 of the Consumer Code: “ The action resulting from the defect of compliance se prescribed by two years has count of there deliverance of GOOD. »

Article L217-16 of the consumer code :“When the buyer requests to the seller, during the course of the commercial guarantee which was given to him granted during the acquisition or repair of movable property, a restoration covered by the guarantee, any period of immobilization of at least least seven days is added to the duration of the guarantee which remained to run. This period short has count of there request intervention of the buyer Or of there putting has arrangement For repair of GOOD in cause, if this putting has arrangement East posterior has Requirement intervention. »


THE Clients consumers » benefit also of a guarantee legal of conformity of 2 years.

independently of there guarantee commercial possibly subscribed ;

must be informed that he can decide of put in artwork there guarantee against THE defaults hidden of Product sold And that In this assumption, he can choose between the resolution of the sale Or a discount of price.

In accordance with article 1641 of the Civil Code, the legal guarantee of defect hidden applies has all of our products. THE damage, of do of Customer or a third person, caused to the equipment or installation by a connection error, a lack of protection, a false move Or A lack of care do not enter not In OUR guarantee. THE repairs or replacement do not result in an increase in duration or a warranty renewal. However, in application of the provisions of Coded of there consumption, article 217-13 of Coded of there consumption :

“Any goods repaired within the framework of the legal guarantee of conformity benefits of a extension of this guarantee of six month

Since the consumer makes the choice of the repair but that this one is not implemented by the seller, compliance by the replacement of the property running, benefit of the consumer, a new period of legal guarantee of conformity attached to the replaced good. This provision applies from the day the replacement property is issued to the consumer. »

THE non-payment leads there cessation of OUR guarantee contractual on THE material delivered


There guarantee applies In there measure Or THE Customer respect THE rules of base of good functioning.

The Customer shall in particular ensure that the equipment is kept in good condition by Compliant to the manual instructions provided by THE seller

Account tenuous of there specificity of equipment, And during all there duration of the warranty, the Customer undertakes to inform the installer without delay of any damage, deterioration Or breakdown And has resort exclusively to services of Seller For ensure THE repairs required.

In the case of photovoltaic solar equipment, the Customer ensures that it operates continuously throughout the year. Any interruption due to of the user suspend THE guarantees. THE Customer will take has her charge THE Good cleanliness of the window covering the solar modules of the equipment. The customer is informed that obstacles to sunshine direct from the panels solar energy harms the efficiency of the entire installation. The customer will strive in result of maintain said environment such that he was on the day of installation of the equipment. The Seller cannot be held responsible of the consequences of a degradation of the performance of installation for this reason.


The Customer undertakes to ask his home insurance company to take in account THE equipment books by THE Seller In her police Multi-risk Housing, effective on the same day of delivery of the equipment. THE Customer will take care of ask has her company of insure it against All damage Who could be cause At network electric to which he East connected.


Claims on apparent defects or non-compliance of the material book At material order Or At Good of order, must be formulated in writing in the eight days later the physical location equipment at the house of the customer. Failing this, the Customer will be deemed to have accepted them without reservation. He It is up to the Customer to provide any justification as to the reality of the defects Or anomalies observed. He must to leave At Seller all ease For proceed to the detection of these defects and to remedy them. He will abstain to intervene himself or to do to intervene A third party to this END.


Mistake by THE debtor defaulter of fulfill immediately of the are due, all the sales that we had concluded with him, even those whose payments have not yet expired, and which have not yet been paid, will be automatically resolved 24 hours after a putting in remains by letter recommended informing him of OUR will of take advantage of this clause and remained without effect. Conventional expressly, we will be entitled to have the immediate recovery carried out of the goods, object of there Or of the sales, by simple Prescription of President of the Paris Commercial Court, ruling in summary proceedings, or, according to OUR will, of President of Court of Trade of place of situation of the goods in question. In the event of resolution, our Company will have right in besides, has a compensation fixed flat rate And definitely equal has 30% of the are him remaining due on THE sales resolved.


Our terms of sale, above, cancel And replace all THE editions previous ones. Our General Terms and Conditions (including our prices), were established in accordance has there regulation in vigor has their date of socket of effect.


By express agreement between the parties, the customer assigns and transports to Seller THE rights attached to certificates savings energy can result from the invoicing of the products covered by this contract. In result, THE customer allowed THE seller has to transmit a copy of her invoice to any organization likely to join a savings program of energy.


The article 1182 of coded civil States that the act of confirmation Or ratification of an obligation against which the law admits action for nullity or in rescision is not valid that when we y find a substance of this obligation, there mention of the reason for the action for rescission, and the intention to repair the defect on which this action East founded.

In the absence of an act of confirmation or ratification, it is sufficient that the obligation either executed voluntarily After the time has which the obligation could be validly confirmed or ratified. Confirmation, ratification or execution voluntary In THE forms And has the time determined by there law, entails the waiver of the means and exceptions that could be opposed against this act, without prejudice nevertheless of right of the third party. In result,

L. 211-3 of Coded of there consumption. In application of the provisions of the article R.631-3 of Coded of there consumption : THE consumer can to input, either moon of the jurisdictions territorially competent in virtue of coded of procedure civil, either there jurisdiction of place Or he remained At moment of the conclusion of the contract or the occurrence of the harmful event. » Mediation of consumption

The Customer acknowledges having been informed that in the event of a dispute with the Company, he must him address a claim written. HAS default of answer below 30 days, or if he considers the response unsatisfactory, he may contact the mediator of there consumption registered on the list of the mediators approved :

Name : Center of there Mediation And of there Consumption of Conciliators of Justice

Address postal : 14 Street Holy Jeans 75017 Paris Such. : 01 89 47 00 14

Site Internet : https://www.cm2c.net

In compliance with article 14 of Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013, the Commission European has set up an online payment platform disputes, facilitating the independent settlement by extrajudicial means of disputes between consumers And professionals of The union European.

YOU stay free to accept Or of refuse THE appeal has there mediation And, in case of appeal has there mediation, each part East free to accept Or of refuse there proposed solution by the mediator.


The company implements processing of personal data staff. THE treatments of data has character staff put in artwork have For base :

interest legitimate for follow-up by there Company when she continues THE purposes following :

-prospecting And animation ;

-management of there relationship with his clients And prospects ;

-organization, registration And invitation to events of there Company.

the execution of pre-contractual measures or of the contract when it puts in work a treatment having For purpose :

-there production, there management, THE follow up of the files of his clients ;

-THE recovery.

THE respect bonds legal And regulatory when she puts in artwork a treatment having For purpose :

the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and the fight against corruption ;

there billing ;

-there accounting.

The company only retains data for the period necessary for operations for which they were collected as well as in compliance of there regulation in force. HAS this regard, THE data of the clients are retained for the duration of the contractual relations increased by 3 years has of the purposes animation And prospecting, without prejudice of the obligations retention or limitation periods. In terms of prevention money laundering and terrorist financing, the data is preserved 5 years After there END of the relationships with there Company. In matter of accounting, they are kept for 10 years from the closing of the the accounting year. Prospect data is retained for a duration of 3 years if none participation Or registration to events of there Company n / A had place. THE data treated are destinies to people empowered of there Company, Thus than to his providers.

Under the conditions defined by the Data Protection Act and the regulations European Union on data protection, natural persons have of a right access to data THE concerning, of correction, questioning, of limitation, of portability, erasure. THE people concerned by THE treatments put in artwork have also of a right of to oppose at any time, for reasons relating to their particular situation, to a processing of personal data having as legal basis interest legitimate of there Company, Thus that of a right of opposition has there prospecting commercial. They have also of right of define of the guidelines general And particular defining there manner of which they hear that are exercised, after their death, the rights mentioned above by mail electronic at the address next :

contact@ella-habitat.fr Or by mail postal has the address next :

111, Avenue Victor Hugo – 75784 Paris cedex 16, accompanied by a copy a signed identity document. Data subjects have the right to introduce a claim near the Cnil.

The company ELLA HABITAT whose head office is 111, Avenue Victor Hugo – 75784 Paris cedex 16 YOU thanks of there trust granted.
